Homebirth Doula ©

Services For Moms

in the Lower Mainland, BC, Canada

Kaurina provides several in-person services for moms through pregnancy, birth and postpartum. Areas served are Vancouver to Abbotsford, including Surrey and Langley.

  • Birth Doula Support
  • Relaxing Shiatsu Massage and Foot Reflexology for pregnancy or postpartum
  • Birth Photography
  • Belly Henna
  • Post Partum support

Contact Kaurina at (604) 809 3288

or [email protected]

Birth Doula Support

People ask me all the time, What does a Doula do?

Doulas provide physical, emotional and informational support through pregnancy, labour and birth, and postpartum.

I go to moms' homes when they are in labour. If they need to go to the hospital, I go with them. I help with natural relaxation and pain relief techniques, position changes, massage through contractions, moment to moment suggestions to help moms with everything they need. I support partners or other friends or family members at the birth so they can effectively assist without stress. I provide continuous emotional support for the mom so she can keep letting go of any fear or stress and keep feeling safe and supported. I provide a wide range of information in any situation that may arise so that moms can make informed choices and feel empowered.

Doula Surrey ©

Numerous research studies have shown, doulas make a significant impact in increasing the chances of having a natural birth - decreasing inductions, epidurals, and cesareans by up to 50%. Doula support can increase breastfeeding rates, decrease postpartum depression, and increase moms overall satisfaction with her birth experience.

As a Doula, I help mom with natural Pain Coping Strategies. I help dads know how to support their partners effectively. I help provide moment to moment information for any situation that may arise in pregnancy, labour or postpartum, so that moms can have in depth discussions and make informed choices that feel right for them. Careproviders really don't have the time to have long in depth discussions. But research shows that when moms are involved in the decision making process in their health decisions in birth, this makes for a positive birth experience, even if medical interventions are needed.

My doula support includes:

2 prenatal visits, 2 postpartum visits,

labour support from active labour till after birth,

being on call 24 hours a day from week 37 until birth,

prenatal classes,

and 2 of the other services listed below.

Please call or text Kaurina to schedule a complimentary consultation at 604 809 3288.

What Families Are Saying about Kaurina's Doula Support...

"For my first birth, I didn't have a great experience, so the second time around, I wanted to try to do things differently the second time around.

Kaurina was a God-send. I didn't have the confidence or courage to have a natural home birth, but Kaurina gave me the strength and encouragement I needed.

From the prenatal visits to the birth of my son, she was there for me every step of the way. I honestly couldn't have had such a wonderful second birthing experience without Kaurina!"

-Susan Yan, VBAC mom

"We want to thank Kaurina for her great support during and after my wife's pregnancy. She brought a huge amount of knowledge that helped us navigate the different stages of pregnancy and provided such a calm and peaceful environment every time she came to our home.

After our baby was born, she was incredibly helpful at supporting my wife and teaching me what was needed on my part to support her.

We will always recommend her to all our friends and family. Her role as our doula and her commitment was exceptional."


"I had been told about doula's, but never quite understood what their worth was until I had one. My experience with Kaurina started with my second born child. She has great listening skills and the ability to draw out the best in you. She learned and understood my fears of not wanting to have another traumatic birthing experience, and also took the time to learn my dreams for the next birth. I was determined to have an informed and fearless birthing experience. Kaurina helped me face those fears and common prejudices that we have been taught by society.

My first 3 pregnancies each had their hardships. My first one was a stillborn at 27 weeks. The second was breech, and I felt coerced into a c-section. The epidural didn't work properly and I could feel the surgeon cutting me. It was quite traumatic. The 3rd baby was also breech. I had some fear and anxiety from my past experiences. I had Kaurina’s doula support for my third pregnancy. She spoke to me with so much respect, it instilled the belief in my heart and mind that I could be calm and strong in spite of the circumstances.

I chose Kaurina as my doula again with my 4th pregnancy. Her unwavering belief in my ability to have the birth experience I wanted made all the difference. It made me believe in myself. Despite my fears, I was able to tune in to my body and my baby and let go of irrational fears. I had a homebirth, surrounded by my the love of my partner and kids.”

-Celia, Homebirth After 2 Cesareans (HBA2C)

"I wanted to express my heartfelt appreciation for Kaurina’s outstanding support during the birth of my child. Her expertise, compassion, and unwavering commitment to my well-being made all the difference in my birth experience, and I cannot thank her enough.

From the moment we met, I knew that I had made the right choice in selecting her as my doula. Her warm, caring demeanor put me at ease, and her extensive knowledge and experience gave me the confidence I needed to navigate the birthing process. She provided me with invaluable information and resources, and her practical tips were incredibly helpful in preparing for the birth.

During the actual birth, she were an absolute rock. Her calm, reassuring presence helped me to stay focused and centered, and her expert guidance was critical in helping me manage the pain and intensity of labor. Her support and encouragement gave me the strength I needed to push through, and I felt completely safe and secure in her hands.

Giving birth in the water at home was a dream come true for me, and her support in setting up the birth pool and ensuring that it was safe and hygienic was incredible. She went above and beyond to make sure that everything was perfect, and I could not have asked for a better experience.

Thank you so much Kaurina, for everything you have done for me and my family. You are an incredibly talented and caring doula, and I feel blessed to have had you by my side during such an important moment in my life." ❤️❤️❤️

-Maria and Artem

Other Services for Pregnancy and Postpartum

in Vancouver, Surrey, Langley and surrounding areas

Shiatsu ©

Relaxing Shiatsu Massage

and Foot Reflexology

Getting into a deep state of relaxation is so invaluable. Every pregnant mom knows how hard it is to get a good night's sleep, especially in the third trimester, and how many aches and pains you can have in pregnancy. And don't even talk about trying to relax and get a deep sleep After baby is born!

Shiatsu massage (modified for pregnancy), as well as Foot Reflexology, are able to put you into a deep state of relaxation, allowing your body to heal itself, release aches and pains, and allow for deeper sleep.

Kaurina will go to you in the comfort of your own home and do the shiatsu or reflexology. You don't need to worry about finding childcare or getting dressed and driving to an appointment.

Kaurina is offering Shiatsu and/or Reflexology as part of the doula package, or independently.

Call or text Kaurina to book an appointment. 604 809 3288

If you would like your partner to learn how to give you a relaxing massage, watch my video. Click here.

Belly Henna

Kaurina offers Belly Henna as an optional service with her doula package.

Who doesn't love being pampered with something as fun as Belly Henna, to honour this special time on your journey to Motherhood.

Some women even like getting their henna done at their baby shower or Blessingway Ceremony.

Belly Henna ©
Birth Photography baby foot and umbilical cord ©

Birth Photography

Birth Photography is also available as an optional service in the Doula Package.

Many women treasure the precious memories that birth photography provides.

Post Partum Support

Postpartum support is available for doula clients in homes if moms need extra help with babycare, breastfeeding, and self-care.

Postpartum doula Surrey ©